Monday, September 24, 2012

Young Engineers and Scientists as the Mastermind of Sociopreneurship-based Community

Self-sufficient community can be defined as group of people consist of many classes of social life that has particular role to support the independency to sufficed its people’s principle commodity. In plural culture of civilization like Indonesia, community will contain people from wide range of social and regional backgrouds, but still we can be sure that basic human needs regardless of its social and regional background won’t be much different from each other. They will need acces to food, water, energy, clothes and home. But above all, they will need ‘acces-power’ from money,  place to actualize theirself up, and something that gives them certainity and sustained future in every condition even when economy recess strikes again someday. At this point, entrepreneurship will become a solution, especially small-medium entrepreneurship that is based on its social and human capacity. Or we can call it sociopreneurship / Social-entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship is the form of activity that chase profit based on original idea and led by one or a group of leaders independent from other companies. Entrepreneurship usually doesn’t need big amount of money to start , which is much easier to get compared to big industry. For example, one of the village at Pangalengan collecting money from its people for capital money of milk and beef commercialisation activity to outer world. They also establish natural strawberry field and farm tour for familly recreation, optimizing ‘back-to-nature’ slogan. Social entrepreneurship is the type of entrepreneurship which the profit is not the only and priority purpose. Its very purposes are to optimally exploit human resource so that won’t be any unemployed left, and to invest the profit for further business expansion or giving it back to the people that are working together in every level. In community that apply theory of soical entrepreneurship, economy recess will not be an issue that endanger them. In this community, they will tend to have more and more variably kind of businesses since they will always be new labor force to be exploited and more capital to invest. And in the end, this wil bear into less dependance community which is be able to suffice its own principle needs by its own potentials.
To start entrepreneurship, regardless what type of entrepreneurship it is, a community must have short term vision and long term vision. And both of them are manifested on a grandplan. Smart,time-based, and result-based grandplan. Sometimes, the substantial idea attached on that grand plan doesn’t require originality alone, what it need is sustainable and optimized way of doing something. And technology and applied science are there to complete it. I will elaborate simple example out of it, in junior high school i conduct observasion study to the village near my school about how they make salty eggs (telur asin), its whole process. After that, my biology teacher explain me and my fellow researchers scientific process and the very substantial step that they dont do on making this salty eggs. That was based in capilarity and osmosis-diffusion principle that needs firm tissue to optimize salt-water infiltrating eggs’ shell, and we make experiment out of it. Long story shorted, it result on longlasting, good-smell, and soft texture salty eggs (which usually isnt). The point of the story is, there are many entrepreneurships in the world that ‘coincidentally’ involved science in it, but only few of them that know exactly they involve science in it. And only the latter ones can make the so-called “sustainable and optimized way of doing something”. Because such a fundamental thing like science won’t stop giving us inpiration to develop and optimize works-mastermind, and process engineering will be much easier if we know the fundamental works behind it.
Actually, to apply and use technology, we don’t have to spend to much money to invest. Technology is all about exploiting principle way of scientific phenomenon, and sometimes even with principle mastermind and traditional raw material alone can realize the technology. Chemical Engineering Student on the early 2000’s made biogas plant only from simple ground-pit near farm, sheets of plastic paper, used drum, used ducts, and traditional stove for extracting biogas from kettle’s faeces. There’s no need to make aluminium-coated vessel, blast furnace, and other advanced technologies. And with it, it can suffice 2-3 famillies energy demmand for heating water and cooking food. The point is, we only need best practice principle and the spirit to use some technologies, regardless the situation. Because by aplying cheap technology and applied sciences, it will make remarkable ways of entrepreneurship as trigger to self-sufficient community.
As it was written in ‘my reason and objectives of joining this seminar’ column, to make the unthinkale thinkable for a community, they need us, the educated student and future leaders. Sometimes we have to be the trigger for them to see the potentials they always have, and they also need us to enlighten them about best practice of entrepreneurship as creator of self-sufficient community. And last but not least, of course our knowledge and familiarity to science and technolgy as Technology College Student will be stepstones for community to continually apply and use science&technology. In the college years, i got into two kind of activity to develop the community. The first one is still the same with high school years, giving applicable knowledge and working on some structural establishment to stimulate people do it by themselves independently. The second one, is the movement to get people in every level of civilization to be smartly and democratically involved in every government’s maneuvers by enlighting them with newest issues and political education. Those are the simplification about the role youth have to take in this matter.

edieval and Modern Europe : Chances and Challenges

Stability's always what we're hoping to be happened in our society. But, in the contrary, we always have problems on understanding& valuing the peace&sovereignity. Religion become significant factor  to the occurence of war and conflicts in europe in this past few century, and it's proven that religion play an important role in politics. Not only on the Elite Level, but also on Horizontal relation between its people. Congress of Westphalia is the manifestation of the European Enthusiasm to resolve such problems that continuosly happened in Europe on 15th - 16th Century.

1     1   Religion as Political Ideology is not a Problem
In every society or Kingdom, or any form of sovereignity. There must be law to determine the regulations and basic principle  as the manifestation of the Idealism of its People. In many regions and society, law made by people Idology. In others, law made by manifestation of the religion ideology. So, as long as it has a body/institution that is reliable to translate the ideology's manifestation into firm and objective verses, it was okay to believe it as a Ruling Regulations/Law. Including religion Ideology.
       2.   Responsibly Freedom for Religions
We should give a space for freedom of religion and rights to believe what people want to believe. By saying reponsibly, it also means that the religion must not imitate and impersonate other religions and  claiming it to be the same with the one that has been imitated/impersonated.  Freedom of religion is generally considered to mean that the government permits religious practices of other sects besides the state religion, and does not persecute believers in other faiths. The manifestation of freedom is the application of universal law that is not discriminating any religions in the world.
     3.    Sovereignity for Independent community
The main issues of reign is wether the people under the reign living a livable and prosper life or not. When the people choose not to believe on the ruling reign and feel no needs to be dependent anymore, then the result is sovereignity.It means the people were given the quality of having supreme, independent authority over a geographic area, such as a territory. Internal Sovereignty refers to the internal affairs of the state and the location of supreme power within it. Sovereign must not be hedged in with obligations and conditions, must be able to legislate without its subjects' consent.
    4. Decentralization To Stablizing
The purpose of  establishment of tributary states unity is to give the central government power to rule and prospering the United tributary States. And of course giving them important role to rule and mend the society of tributry areas themself. It is a concept of decentralization, where we give a flexible and free enough space for the locals. Decentralization can be elaborated as process of dispersing decision-making governance closer to the people and/or citizens. Of course decentralization without bonds to the central government will only bear further instability, that's why decentralization must go along with loyality doctrine, and good central-local relations constructed by justice and support of central government.

Desentralisasi Pengembangan Energi Berbasis Potensi Daerah untuk Mewujudkan Ketahanan Energi Indonesia

Energi merupakan kunci aksesibilitas masyarakat terhadap usaha perekonomian dan kehidupan sosial yang pada dasarnya adalah syarat hidup manusia. Bahkan dalam tataran kenegaraan, energi merupakan modal negara untuk menjadi negara mandiri dan adidaya. Di Indonesia, aksesibilitas masyarakat kepada energi itu sendiri harus dijamin oleh Negara berdasarkan amanah konstitusi. Sampai saat ini Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) masih menjadi pilihan utama sebagai sumber energi masyarakat Indonesia.
 Namun pada kenyataannya peningkatan tajam jumlah kebutuhan BBM tidak diimbangi oleh peningkatan produksi minyak bumi dan penemuan cadangan baru dalam negeri yang menunjang kebutuhan energi tersebut. Keadaan ini menyebabkan tingkat ketergantungan pada produk minyak impor semakin tinggi, padahal harga komoditas minyak impor sangat fluktuatif dan cenderung naik. Sehingga dari tahun ke tahun subsidi yang diberikan pemerintah untuk BBM meningkat secara tidak proporsional. Indonesia kini bukan lagi negara yang kaya minyak, tetapi Indonesia kaya berbagai jenis energi alternatif  yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Seperti kelapa sawit di Sumatera, batubara dan coal bed methane di Kalimantan, Panas Bumi di Sulawesi, Jawa dan Nusa tenggara, serta bioenergy yang bisa dihasilkan dari biji jarak maupun singkong. Sumber daya energi tersebut memilikki  potensi yang jauh lebih besar daripada minyak bumi untuk dimanfaatkan. Setiap Provinsi di Indonesia memilikki potensi keenergian yang dapat dimanfaatkan baik untuk daerahnya sendiri maupun untuk seluruh Indonesia.
 Melihat keadaan tersebut kita dapat menciptakan kemandirian energi di tiap Provinsi berbasiskan pada kemampuan dan sumber daya yang dimiliki Provinsi tersebut. Ditunjang dengan isu desentralisasi di Indonesia yang dijalankan dengan regulasi dan kontrol pemertintah pusat yang baik serta dilengkapi dengan sumber daya manusia (SDM) lokal yang memadai, dapat mengoptimalkan potensi keeenergian berbasis Provinsi tersebut. Pra-syarat dari terwujudnya optimalisasi  keenergian  kedaerahan adalah sinergisasi Perguruan Tinggi dan sekolah kejuruan daerah sebagai center of excellence dari optimalisasi sumber energi,  pemerintah sebagai regulatory body, pengusaha sebagai  penyandang modal, dan masyarakat. Perguruan tinggi dan sekolah kejuruan kedaerahan memiliki posisi yang strategis untuk menciptakan SDM yang sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan oleh daerahnya.
 Sehingga SDM lokal mampu menciptakan desain pengembangan sumber energi untuk daerahnya melalui riset jangka panjang dan mencerdaskan masyarakat lokal akan pentingnya sumber energi alternatif daerah tersebut. Pemerintah sebagai regulator dapat menegakkan peraturan yang akan mengurangi ketergantungan masarakat akan bahan bakar migas. Pertama, dengan mengalihkan subsidi BBM untuk insentif kepada pengusaha dalam mengembangkan usaha keenergian ini dan penyediaan pendidikan yang akan menghasilkan SDM yang ahli dalam bidang keenergian daerah tersebut. Selanjutnya, Reformasi birokrasi daerah dan perbaikan sistem regulasi  yang memudahkan pengusaha dalam berinvestasi dan menciptakan lapangan kerja di bidang keenergian daerah. Terakhir, adalah ketegasan untuk mengurangi ekspor sumber daya energi keluar Indonesia. Kemadirian energi dari tiap Provinsi ini akan menciptakan Indonesia menjadi negara yang mandiri dalam bidang keenergian.